Friday, July 23, 2010


Apparently, monthly seems to be what to expect from myself to make an entry. I've been travelling, doing shows and painting which seem to be what it as all about for me right now. I'm posting a couple of finished paintings. If anyone is reading this, I would love to hear from you. These are three of my newest paintings. The clothes line image went through a few changes before it got to this stage. I added another chair and repainted the entire surface a number of times before I was satisfied with it. The coastal scene presented some struggling before I got the water to do what I wanted, it could use a little more tweaking, but I think I'm calling this one done.


  1. Joanne, I like all three of them, and each look like they are done by entirely different artists... Kudos to you honey... I really like them very much... so much talent........

  2. They're all wonderful! It's interesting... They're all the same and yet unique to themselves. It could be that I'm a Mainer, but to me they say, "Home." Very nicely done! =D
